Mon 27 Jan
👅👅 The BeSt ForEiGn mAmii 💦💦 IS BAcK 💋💋 ChOoSe the BesT 💞👅💦 - 22
(Hampton, Hampton for incalls Norfolk, Newport New, Newport News, Norfolk)
🔥LAST DAY 🔥Kinky💋 🔥Big Booty🔥 💋Blue Eyed 💋 Treasure 🍒🍒 Treat Yourself !! 🔥 60 SPECIAL - 23
💋Beautiful 🐝 Dont Let My🍯Sweet🍯Honey🍯 Go2 Waste !👅 - 28
(J Clyde , Oyster Point, City Center, Newport News)
Sun 12 Jan
ChOcOlAtE bOmBsHelL rEaDy To PlAy $60 special 678*215*2132 - 22
(Newport News, Newport News/ Hampton incalls....outcall)
Up All NiTe ReAdY tO pLay OUTCALLS i WiLl giVe u A GooD TimE - 20
(Newport News, Newport News/Hampton OutcaLLs.. InCalls)
♥•´¯`•♥ SUPER HOT ♥•★•♥ SUPER SESSION ♥•´¯`•♥ GET YOURS ♥•★•♥ NOW - 21
(Newport News, hampton incalls)
$60Specials (((AvaiLaBle NoW* ) ) _SmOkiN HoT___CuRvY BuSTy(*EXTREMELY SEXY) Hampton incal - 25
(Newport News, Hampton in/0ut)
!!Sensual Mutual Touch Massage with DDD's, sexxy face, warm personality and waiting for You - 21
(Newport News, hampton incalls)
Sat 11 Jan
👅👅 The BeSt ForEiGn mAmii 💦💦 IS BAcK 💋💋 ChOoSe the BesT 💞👅💦 - 22
(Hampton, Hampton for incalls Norfolk, Newport New, Newport News, Norfolk)
♛ ★ German Freak Ready To Play ♛ ★80 Special ♛ ★ 757/593/2535 - 22
(Newport News, Hampton incalls/ Newport news)
chocolate and carmel whats your flavor ::::::: - 24
(Newport News, hampton newport News incalls outcalls)
Fri 10 Jan
Redbone Dominican 50/15 min, Late Night&Early; Morning Specials!* outcalls available - 23
(Newport News, Newprt News, Hampton, Williamsburg)
New Blond Snowflake in your area limited addition! ! - 22
(Hampton, Newport News, outcalls/ incalls)
💦💦 SexY SliM Chyna 💋💋 ReaDy tO PlaY 👅👅 InCallS & OutCalss💞💞 - 22
(Hampton, Hampton for incalls Norfolk, Newport New, Newport News, Norfolk)
Cassie New Pics Bottoms Up💕😘╠╣OT ⓢⓦⓔⓔⓣ(ღ人 ღ)ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ//CANT PASS UP✨💖 bEst ArOund🌟 - 21
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Military Hwy Incalls, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia Beach)
EVeRy bOyS DREAM ♡♥ EVeRy mAnS FANTASY ☎ ReWaRD urself & SEE ME ☎ ╮ ♚ NoW 60 SpEcIaLs - 23
(Hampton, Hampton incalls, Newport news area outs)
Thu 09 Jan
💕LeT Me 💏MaKe YoU💕💋REMEMBER 💋💄Me ForEveR😍😍💄BEST 💄40💋SpEciALs 💋EVER💄DoN't MiSs ThiS💋 - 24
(Hampton, mercury blvd INCALLS ONLY, Newport News)
NeW iN tWn . ReAdy to plEaSe n tAke your BrEaTh AwAy - 22
(Newport News, Hampton/NN Mercury Blvd incalls/outcall)
NeW iN tWN [Every Mans Dream~~~~ Thee Big Booty Ebony ~~~~ ~~~ 100% Me - 21
(Newport News, Mercury blvd incalls/outcalls hampton/NN)
🔥LAST DAY 🔥Kinky💋 🔥Big Booty🔥 💋Blue Eyed 💋 Treasure 🍒🍒 Treat Yourself !! 🔥 60 SPECIAL - 23
Cassie New Pics Bottoms Up💕😘╠╣OT ⓢⓦⓔⓔⓣ(ღ人 ღ)ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ//CANT PASS UP✨💖 bEst ArOund🌟 - 21
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Military Hwy Incalls, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia Beach)
TS Nichole nd my homegirl💍💎 is here💔💋💋 With 9&10in of thunder⚡⚡☔🌹 - 23
(Newport News, Newport news/uptown)
💋💋💎💎My Diamond Fox 💦Dripp💦 Just Like Candy 9.5🍭💋💋 - 23
(Newport News, Newport News/Fort Eustis off warwick)
#1 Pℓαγmαtε ❤❤ ★☆★LET ME °🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶°— ROCK — 🎸🎸🎸— YOUR WORLD — °🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶 ❤❤❤ ★☆★ - 25
(Hampton in/out, Newport News)
💋👅 eXtRa JUiiCY 💦💦 UnFoRgOtTaBlE 😻🎉 NEW iCaNdY 🍬🍬 iNCALLs & OUTCALLS 💞 - 22
(Hampton, Hampton in/outcalls Newport News, Newport News, Norfolk)
Wed 08 Jan
Last night🛫Hampton📲CAll Me👆👋🏼🍑 💫FËtish💣FRËAK 💟💋CuRvy😍lαtínα🇵🇷 rOUndⒷⓄⓄⓉⓎ 👄💦BEST hEaD EVER😉 - 23
(Hampton, Newport News, W. Mercury Blvd🏩Coliseum Dr❣INCALLS💋)
NeWN@UGHT EBONY Beauty •✿• ☞The PERFECT choice To satisfy ANY CRAVING☜ •✿• - 24
(Newport News, airport newport news)
BiG aZz nice tItS sexy woman 7577532962 call NoW - 25
(Newport News, Newport news ur place or mine boo)
►SEXY ►█ ••♡STUNNING♡•• █ ► • • • ► BLONDE ► ★►•••••►★ NOW•••••••• ► - 20
(Newport News, yorktown,williamsburg,hampton,norfolkETC)
♛ ★ German Freak Ready To Play ♛ ★80 Special ♛ ★ 757/593/2535 - 22
(Newport News, Hampton incalls/ Newport news)
EVeRy bOyS DREAM ♡♥ EVeRy mAnS FANTASY ☎ ReWaRD urself & SEE ME ☎ ╮ ♚ NoW 60 SpEcIaLs - 23
(Hampton, Hampton incalls, Newport news area outs)
50 , 50 INCALLS ONLY ////////////// OUTCALL ONLY 65 , 65 ONLY TODAY - 24
(Newport News, Hampton ,newport news)
Tue 07 Jan
NeW iN tWn . ReAdy to plEaSe n tAke your BrEaTh AwAy - 22
(Newport News, Hampton/NN Mercury Blvd incalls/outcall)
🌟 SUPER DUPER ♡ 🌹🎁🇹🇭🇮🇨🇰BBW ♡ 🍬Certified SEXY White BIG BOOTY ♡ In/Out. Upscale & sexy - 27
(Newport News, private incall Denbigh, 7 city outcall)
Mon 06 Jan
chocolate and carmel whats your flavor ::::::: - 24
(Newport News, hampton newport News incalls outcalls)
♥•´¯`•♥ SUPER HOT ♥•★•♥ SUPER SESSION ♥•´¯`•♥ GET YOURS ♥•★•♥ NOW - 21
(Newport News, hampton incalls)
💕LeT Me 💏MaKe YoU💕💋REMEMBER 💋💄Me ForEveR😍😍💄BEST 💄40💋SpEciALs 💋EVER💄DoN't MiSs ThiS💋 - 24
(Hampton, mercury blvd INCALLS ONLY, Newport News)
New Mix Italian black wavy hair bombshell Tori & the carmel skin model slim beauty kim - 21
(Newport News, Williamsburg va/ incalls only)
NeW iN tWN [Every Mans Dream~~~~ Thee Big Booty Ebony ~~~~ ~~~ 100% Me - 21
(Newport News, Mercury blvd incalls/outcalls hampton/NN)
►SEXY ►█ ••♡STUNNING♡•• █ ► • • • ► BLONDE ► ★►•••••►★ NOW•••••••• ► - 20
(Newport News, yorktown,williamsburg,hampton,norfolkETC)
Sun 05 Jan
💋👅 eXtRa JUiiCY 💦💦 UnFoRgOtTaBlE 😻🎉 NEW iCaNdY 🍬🍬 iNCALLs & OUTCALLS 💞 - 22
(Hampton, Hampton in/outcalls Newport News, Newport News, Norfolk)
!!Sensual Mutual Touch Massage with DDD's, sexxy face, warm personality and waiting for You - 21
(Newport News, hampton incalls)
All kinds of specials going on tonite until the wee Hours in the morning - 25
(newport news near mercury)