Mon 27 Jan
BREAchanel bbw mixed😘NO fakes Unblemished big booty All real pics of ME!!! hosting in newport news - 27
(Hampton, Newport News, Newport news,portsmouth,hampton, Norfolk, Portsmouth)
🌴 It's ALL about YOU! 🌴 CoLLeGe GiRls ***___Available NOW!___ *** 🍒 UpScAle 🍒 - 23
(Newport News, Newport News/Hampton)
NeW -:¦:-_S_E_X _Y •-:¦:-•UPSCALE__ H_O_T_T_I_E ____+ A +___ M_U_S_T_ • •__ S_E_E _-:¦:- - 21
(Newport News, Newport news va airport)
** {IM} :* ☆ ¨*: {THE HOT BLONDE} :*★¨*: {YOU}: *¨☆*: {WANT}** - 22
(Newport News, Ft. Eustis/Denbigh)
*"* EVeRYTHING *"* U ♥ NeeD *"* IN 1 PaCKaGE *"* : - 20
(newport news airport area)
Sun 12 Jan
███████████████ ███████████████ J a p a n Girl ███████████████ ██████████ - 25
(Newport News, Newport News,VA♚♚♚♚♚♚♚♚♚7177814260)
Hey! A girls gotta do~ What'a girls Gott'a Do... Good thing I absOlutely lOve Do'n It:) Come See!! - 25
(Newport News, Hampton* Newport News* Williamaburg *)
🍭EYE CANDY🍭😍😍💯😜💦💦 Th Best ✋s⬇$50 INCALLS $70OUTCALLS - 23
(Newport News, NEWPORT NEWs IN....OUTS maybe)
_E__ X__o__ T__i__C ____G__o__ R__ G__e__ o__ U__S ____ P __L __a__Y__ M __a __T __ e_ - - 20
(newport news airport)
Sat 11 Jan
❄️💖❄️ Play With Me, Dirty Blonde Little Girl💋 Play Dates Available 24/7❗️🔛🔙🔛🔝♋️🔜💦😛 - 25
(Newport News, Newport News/ City Center Area)
👅 N A U G H T Y 5 🌟 service👅 ✔ip TrEaTmEnT #1 Play💑 çęŕţì£ęď 💦 Slippery💦✔💯% F R E A K 👅💦😍 - 20
(Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk)
🔥👑🔥TH£ P£RF£CT TR£AT🍰🍦🍪Y0UR B£ST K£PT S£CR£T 🙊S£xxY ASIAN G0ddeSs 👯7575725884📲 Outcalls 0nlY💋 - 21
(Chesapeake, Hampton Roads Outerbanks/YOUR PLACE, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach)
▃▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ ▃▃▃▃▃▐▐▐ _ Beautiful BL0NDE L0VE D0LL _❤_ §εχΥ §weet ECSTASy _▐▐▐ ▃▃▃▃▃ ✘ℴ ❤ ✘ℴ ▃▃▃▃▃ - 37
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, ☎☎ 757-218-2781 ✈✈✈10 mins from AIRPORT)
Big Azz for ya Azz fetish lovers Azz Anything$) $40Spcl - 26
(Newport News, Newport News incalls & outcalls)
❎❎❎❎❎▬ BEAUTIFUL ▬❎❎❎❎❎🌺🌺🌺❎❎❎❎❎🌺 🌺 🌺❎❎❎❎❎🌺 🌺 🌺❎❎❎❎❎▬ sweet YUMMy BL0NDE TrEAT ▬❎❎❎❎❎🌺🌺🌺❎❎❎❎❎ - 37
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, 🌺🌺🌺 757-218-2781 ✈✈✈10mins from AIRPORT)
Fri 10 Jan
gorgeous s w ee t r e a l yu mmy - 20
(newport news airport)
Explore Your Hidden Tranny Desires with Me! - 19
(Charlottesville, Chesapeake, Danville, Fredericksburg, Hampton, Harrisonburg, Lynchburg, New River Valley, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Roanoke, Southwest Virginia, Suffolk, Virginia B)
LaSt NiGhT ____ e-XxX - otic GoDDeSS____ * K * i * W * i * i * ____ SPEciALS____ (213)401-5023 - 20
(newport news iin only)
be bk Thursday**Miss Autumn Sky** sexy thick Snow bunny ~ Strawberry blonde ( incalls only ) - 26
(Richmond, chester va)
_E__ X__o__ T__i__C ____G__o__ R__ G__e__ o__ U__S ____ P __L __a__Y__ M __a __T __ e_ - - 20
(newport news airport)
-:¦:* Ebony -:¦:-* InToXiCaTiNg *-:¦:-* UPSCALE PLaYmATe *** Specials- incalls - - 20
(newport news airport)
Thu 09 Jan
NeW iN tWn . ReAdy to plEaSe n tAke your BrEaTh AwAy - 22
(Newport News, Hampton/NN Mercury Blvd incalls/outcall)
Softest Body, Prettiest Face, Fluffiest Lips, Longest Tongue, Most Flexible Sexy MIXED MAMi - 21
(Newport News, Newport News Airport/ P H MALL)
Luscious Ebony Playmate(¯`'.¸ * ¸.'´¯)Sexy Curved Body(¯`'.¸ * ¸.'´¯)Big Booty Playmate - - 20
(newport news airport)
Y0U CaNt Go ₩rong W/ This Ch0iCE! ★SEXy; SeNsUAL; SEductress @ Y0UR SerVice★ .. CaLL & lets meet - 23
Best Service in Town
(Charlottesville, Chesapeake, Danville, Fredericksburg, Hampton, Harrisonburg, Lynchburg, New River Valley, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Roanoke, Southwest Virginia, Suffolk, Virginia B)
** UpsCale EbonY* gReaT sPeciAls uNrusHed, safe, InDependeNt serVicE** - - 20
(newport news airport)
Tina boy or girl p4p - 28
(Airport sandston, Fredericksburg, Newport News, Norfolk, Richmond, Suffolk)
Wed 08 Jan
^*^NEW^*^ b0Ny $eDuCtRe$$: Ya LiKe NyMpHz? Im #1 (xtra moist) *Im a FrEaK by NaTuRe* NO gAG REflEeX
!! Perfect Caramel Vixen !! (after work incall specials) I love wat I do & so will You! - 19
(Newport News, Nn (my place))
NeWN@UGHT EBONY Beauty •✿• ☞The PERFECT choice To satisfy ANY CRAVING☜ •✿• - 24
(Newport News, airport newport news)
_____ CURVY : : _____ CHOCOLATE : : ______ : : SEDUCTIVE : : _____ SPECIALS - 20
(newport news airport)
((NeW)) ♡ 【 E¥e CanD¥ •* 】 ♡ 【1OO%REAL 】 ☆【#1 MOST Wanted】 ☆ 【★•°o°•★ 】 ♡ ((NEW)) - - 25
(Newport News, outcall)
this sh!t is soooo `!et right now "supa soaka" incall and outcallz - 21
(Newport News, Discreet Nn Ins & Outs ....)
Easy on the EyE _____ cutie Pye _____ Military favors ___ mite need umbrella - 21
(Newport News, Airport area Nn *specials*)
Tue 07 Jan
Luscious Ebony Playmate(¯`'.¸ * ¸.'´¯)Sexy Curved Body(¯`'.¸ * ¸.'´¯)Big Booty Playmate - - 23
(newport news airport)
^~•♥•~^ Full-Fill your every Fantasy Hot Sexy 2 Girl Body Rub ^~•♥•~^ - - 22 - 22
(Newport News, newport newS OUTCALLS INCALLS)
NeW -:¦:-_S_E_X _Y •-:¦:-•UPSCALE__ H_O_T_T_I_E ____+ A +___ M_U_S_T_ • •__ S_E_E _-:¦:- - 21
(Newport News, Newport news va airport)
🎀👑💋 LATINA MAMÌ🎀💋👑Your Little Secret Any Time Of The Day 👑💋🎀 TAYDEN🎀 - 22
_____ CURVY : : _____ CHOCOLATE : : ______ : : SEDUCTIVE : : _____ SPECIALS - 20
(newport news airport)
Mon 06 Jan
Easy on the EyE _____ cutie Pye _____ Military favors ___ mite need umbrella - 21
(Newport News, Airport area Nn *specials*)