Mon 06 Jan
sexy an discrete !! nuro body slides an more!! - 25
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia beach)
★ ( SwT ___________ L¡K ____________ HoNY )★ $ 60 specials - 24
(Newport News, Newport news/hampton in@out)
♡♥♡ Sexii, Seductive, Classy, Clean Fun... Visiting Town Well Reviewed Crazy Incall Special!!!! ♡♥♡ - 23
(Hampton, My place)
ViDEo!❤ BADD Mi@Mi ViXeN (*(MiLiANi)*) PH@TT€ST & B@DD€ST R€DB0N€ $•60.. 90.. 180•$ ❤CrEaMy InSiDE😍 - 24
specIAL★ SoUtHeRn CuTiE!! ☆AddiCtiVe BuStY PLaYmAt incalls iS bAc k757-945-8390 - 20
(Newport News, newportnews burg Hampton)
🔥👑 THE P£RF£CT TR£AT🍰🍦🍪Y0UR B£ST K£PT S£CR£T 🙊S£xxY ASIAN G0ddeSs 👯7575725884📲 Outcalls 0nlY💋 - 18
(Chesapeake, hampton Roads Outerbanks/YOUR PLACE, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia Beach)
Sun 05 Jan
[ ✔ ] REAL PICS!! == {{This BLoNDe}} * {{IS the REAL DEAL!}} .... - 23
(Newport News, newport news in/out)
Come get my loving because im the one to make u happy - 19
(Hampton, Hampton/Newport News in and out)
Stop By "Frustrated" 😏 Leave with a "Smile" 😀 By that Dread~Head "DIAMOND" Specials Avail💯✔ - 24
(Newport News, Newport News Area💯✔)
Don't waste another second looking @ fake pictures - 23
(Newport News, Hampton (in calls), out calls to npn)
100 hour special !!!💦big booty SPECIALS ! 💦come get it ! New pics! 💎💋💎💋 - 20
(Newport News, 📞 meeee ! 💯 IN/OUT)
Awesome "Muscle~Relaxation" By that Dread~Head DIAMOND💯 SPECIALS AVAIL✔ - 24
beautiful day what better way to spend it then with the fun freaky model looking Gia 60 in spc - 21
(Newport News, Newport news jclyde Morris INCALLS ONLY)
All kinds of specials going on tonite until the wee Hours in the morning - 25
(newport news near mercury)
Make $2,500 per week with the World Leader in Adult, VIVID Entertainment ◄ ◄ ◄
(Charlottesville, Chesapeake, Danville, Fredericksburg, Hampton, Harrisonburg, Lynchburg, New River Valley, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Roanoke, Southwest Virginia, Suffolk, Virginia B)
1 & 2 girl LSPECIALS• ❤•°Highly Addicting Blonde *★♥★♥ƸӜƷ♥★* READY TO PLAY *:•.★2 - 27
(Newport News, Hampton IN/OUT Calls Hardy Cash rd area)
Mary Lynn 💎 100% real 💋 Outcall Only 💎 Let's end the night together 💋 - 30
(Chesapeake, Newport News, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach)
☏[NEW PICS] •♥• [ 5★☜] •♥• [ STUNNING ] •♥• [ PETITE ] •♥• [ BEAUTIES ] •♥• [ 100% REAL ]☏
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, Entire Hampton Roads Area)
JOIN ME !!! Specials all day everyday 757 753 2962 working man or woman Thick azz big tits - 24
(Newport News, Newport news ur place or mine boo)
💕 💕 💕 Real Green Eyes 💕 💕 💕 Thick★ Mixed ★Chick★ I love Older Men★ New PICS!! - 25
(Newport News, Newport News, Oyster Point, J Clyde Area)
Only outcalls /love Americans! where are my sailors ,soldiers ?love man in uniform, 38d cup - 27
(Hampton, williamsb, hampton gloucester,newportne)
:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *sO SExY :*: ChEcK mE OuT :*: - 23
★•°o°•★ B€ÅUTIFUL ★•°o°•★ P€TIT€ ★•°o°•★ STUNNING ★•°o°•★ PLAYMAT€S ★•°o°•★
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, Entire Hampton Roads Area)
Slender Sexy Brunette with a Pretty Face (New) Visiting Williamsburg Today Only! - 35
(Newport News, Williamsburg (in/out)!)
٩(๛ ˘ ³˘)۶♥sexxy red is back..Seductive In/outcall Specials%%♥♡♥♡\( ˆoˆ)/\(ˆoˆ )/ - 24
(Newport News)
.•°¤*(¯`⭐️★⭐️´¯)*¤°S E X Y༶ (((EBONY))) B༶O༶M༶B༶S༶H༶E༶L༶L༶ °¤*(¯´⭐️★⭐️`¯)*¤°•. - 26
(Newport News, Newport News {In & Out Calls})
_ .»(¯` PERSiAN ´¯)« .*S p E c I a L s* LAST dAY iNN TOWN *s P e C i A l S* »(¯` LATiNA ´¯)« . _ - 20
(newwporrt newss - inncall ONLY)
Ready? Get Set To Get W-e-t!!! Love, Lynn - 41
(Charlottesville, Fredericksburg, Newport News, Richmond, Richmond, Independent Provider)
-*- {__ *SeXy* __} -*- {__ *SwEeT* __} -*- {__ *LiTtLe* __} -*- {__ TrEaT__} - 25
(Newport News, Newport News in/out)
Sat 04 Jan
█★★ THE *BEST* 2 GiRl SH0W THAT YOU'll EVER HAVE °° 2 B E A U T i F U l ReDB0NE$★★█ - 69
(Newport News, 757 AREA IN/OUT)
BBW' s 🔙🔛🔝 Puerto Rican 👸 Tight -n- 🌊 + Asia the Lip 💋 service master. - 28
(Newport News, oyster point / Inn&outcalls;)
VIDEO!♥BiG BoOoTy CeRtiFieD FReaK! CuRvY ThiCkNeSS♥ PrO SeRviCeZ ♥Put iT Where U LiKe� OuTcaLL Only� - 22
(Newport News, OUTCALLS ONLY😍... Ft eustis..nn..Yorktow)
(Newport News, Newport news/hampton in@out)
Here u go ....lipz & hipz 4 u.....(video) - 28
(Newport News, Peninsula Hampton Town the Coliseum area)
Sugar , looking for beneficial romantic arrangements - 21
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Richmond, Richmond Hampton roads Williamsburg, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
💞 _____ 💞______ Very IRRESISTIBLE Petite Southern BLONDE Milf !!!💞 ___ ___💞 - 35
(**incall/outcall**, Chesapeake, Newport News, Norfolk, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
🌴🌞YOUR P€RFECT passionate CHOIC€《 older w/ more experienced 》W€LCOM€ 2 €R0T!C PARADI§€! 🌴🌞 - 37
(Virginia Beach)
☆♡ALaBaMa GirL☆♡ I am so Bored & Lonely🍒 I need some company🌈 call ☎or text📲 NOW 205-686-3691 - 25
(Hampton, Newport News, Newport news, Hampton- in&Out; calls, Norfolk, Suffolk)